Preparations for another full-scale installation as part of the Branch Formations project are underway.
The structure will be situated at an exterior courtyard at the University of Applied Arts Vienna.

The methods and workflow developed for the first realization in 2019 are further refined and applied to larger-scale elements. We hope this reiteration allows us to better study the spatial performance and structural capacity of such schemes.
This project also emerged from a collaboration with Rewritable Creatures (working title, formerly: Towards Grafted Selves), an interdisciplinary art/science project led by Lucie Strecker and Daniel Aschwanden. In this context, the installation operates as an infrastructure for performances involving multimedia content. This offers the opportunity to survey the potentials well as expand the contextual palette of Branch Formations.

A few days after harvesting works we collected forked branches from left-over crown parts before most of the larger pieces are extracted as firewood.

In addition to the larger configuration we are also fabricating a smaller furniture-scale piece as a mobile interaction device.