full scale installation of the Kigumi structure along with an exhibition of images, videos, models and artifacts at the World Wood Days. The Event is hosted by the Austrian Open Air Museum in Stuebing, Austria from 21. – 24.3. 2019
Exhibition at the World Wood Days
starting from Wednesday, 21. – 24.3. 2019 – the full scale installation of the Kigumi structure along with some images, videos, models and artifacts of our work will be shown at the World Wood Days. The Event is hosted by the Austrian Open Air Museum (Freilichtmuseum) in Stuebing, Austria.
We will also have a presentation at the Symposium on Friday.
Kigumi fabrication
“WASP” Worksession with Andrea Rossi
Andrea Rossi from the Digital Design Unit at TU Darmstadt, Germany, and the creator of the WASP Plugin for Grasshopper/Rhinoceros 3D is visiting us in Vienna for an intense 3-day-worksession to push his tool where it has never gone before!
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Kigumi Workshop with Jun Sato – Day 2
Finish of the concept – form finding phase and saying goodbyes to Prof. Jun Sato
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Kigumi Workshop with Jun Sato – Day 1
Discussing the first results of the individual experimenting teams….students from the Industrial Design 1, DAE and Architecture Studios of the Angewandte.
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Lecture and Workshop with Jun Sato

On October 16th 2018 structural engineer Prof. Jun Sato from the Technical University of Tokyo will give a lecture about “Kigumi” in the course of the “Building Construction – Making of” lecture series followed by a workshop from October 17th-19th, hosted by Jun Sato himself in colaboration with the conceptual joining team for students from the disciplines Industrial Design 1, Architecture and DAE.